
Bamboo – one of the fastest growing plants on Earth – retains its tensile strength better than steel and it has profoundly advanced human civilization for thousands of years.
Bamboo was the most prevalent writing medium before the invention of paper; it was the filament in Edison’s first incandescent lamp; it was the phonographic needle in Bell’s first music player; and it was the frame of the first engine-powered aircraft. 

Today, Bamboo is one of the most versatile renewable materials and biofuels in the new millennium… Bamboo embodies sustainability. 

How can you develop your business as swiftly as bamboo flourishes, shape your business as resiliently as bamboo stands, and advance your business as sustainably as bamboo thrives?

Let us show you how...                                                                  Download Latest FTC Draft Green Guide

KEY WORDS: Standards: BS 8900, BS 8901, EnMS, EN 16001, ISO9001, ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO 14045, ISO14064, ISO14065, ISO14001, ISO 20121, ISO 26000, ISO 50001, OHSAS18001, PAS 99, PAS 2050, PAS 2060, Responsible Care®, RCMS®, RC14001®, ChemStewards®, SFI, FSC, CoC.Subjects: climate change; carbon footprint; carbon management; carbon disclosure; corporate social responsibility; corporate governance; CSR; energy management; EnMS; environmental, health & safety; EHS; EMS; environmental management; event management; greenhouse gas; greenhouse gas emissions; GHG; GHGEV; GHG training; governance, risk and compliance; LCA; life cycle analysis; management system; management system training; internal verifier; internal auditor; IMS; occupational health and safety, OHS, OHSMS, quality management, QMS, regulatory compliance, verification and assurance, social responsibility, supply chain development, sustainability, sustainable events, sustainable management, sustainable operations.